It is important to book your national parks tours now The political climate of the United States of America is constantly in a state of flux, and is always changing depending on the values of the party that is in power. Generally, this will mean that policies may be altered slightly in one way or another in order to benefit the constituents of the majority party, but rarely does that result in complete and utter reversals of policy. The modern political climate in America is more polarized than it has ever been, and instead of the two opposing sides working towards agreements that will provide appeasement for both to some degree on issues, we are now in a time that is showing a lack of interest in happy mediums and common ground, and more one of simply using political mechanisms to advance your side and your side alone, completely ignoring the views or desires of the other. This means that we are no longer seeing slow shifts in the country’s values from one side to the other on issues, and instead immediate changes in the form of executive orders or repeals of previous policy. The Antiquities Act that was put in place by Theodore Roosevelt in order to protect American spaces that are considered national treasures has never been directly threatened since its adoption, but today it seems like it may potentially be in danger. Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican president who supported development and industry, yet understood the need to prohibit unbridled development so as to preserve places of beauty or historical interest. This legislation created the National Parks System of the United States, and made it so that the president and congress can protect these areas from development by specifically naming them as areas of national interest. This
It is important to book your national parks tours now The political climate of the United States of America is constantly in a state of