Tourists who are planning a trip to Las Vegas will generally be thinking about glittering lights, shows, restaurants and gambling. They are almost always thinking about spending nearly their entire trip inside of the hotels and casinos, maybe going out to the pool for a drink if it is a nice day. Tourists think of being pampered in Las Vegas by customer services that is outstanding, and being able to relax and dine at some of the world's finest restaurants. There is nothing wrong with this (hey, we live here and understand that Las Vegas is a destination that people from all over the world dream about visiting) but there is another side to the city that might be very interesting to you if you enjoy adventure and the great outdoors. When people are thinking about Las Vegas, they are rarely thinking about it's proximity to some of the most unbelievable national parks and protected spaces on earth. This is why so many adventure travelers will book their Las Vegas vacation planning a few extra days where they can experience a totally different environment than the planned and processed world that the casinos present to you. These adventurous folks plan on spending a few days visiting the nearby national parks as well. Bryce Canyon National Park is a four hour drive from downtown Las Vegas, and while that might seem like a lot it is actually a lot closer than you think if you consider visiting more than one park over a few days. Instead of driving from Las Vegas to Bryce directly, consider that Zion National Park is only two and a half hours drive from Las Vegas! Smart travelers make a "tour loop" of several parks, starting in Las Vegas and driving to Zion and then to Bryce.
Tourists who are planning a trip to Las Vegas will generally be thinking about glittering lights, shows, restaurants and gambling. They are almost always thinking