Small Group Private Tours Of National Parks

Small Group Private Tours Of National Parks

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Many families with dream of that adventure that they see in movies, but they never expect to really get to have it.  You’ve seen the stories of the private Sherpa taking a small group on the adventure of a lifetime, showing all of the things that only a person would use that knowledge or region would know about.  Only a person who is either live in an area or has spent significant amount of time in an area is going to know about all of those unique features that don’t get written up in the tour guides.  The things that you read about on the internet as far as being the best things to do in an area are generally influenced by a wide range of people.  It is impossible for a person who is guiding a group to fully be able to cater to the group as far as what is going to be accomplished on the adventure if the group is very diverse.  Some people might not be able to hike very long, and others might have the desire to hike for long distances over difficult terrain.  It is almost impossible for a group leader to get everything that everyone wants in the same tour.  The lucky people who are considering small group adventures in a private saving now have an ability to gain access to a private tour product that is typically reserved for groups of 12 or more.  In order for the products tour to happen, most tour companies will need to book at least 12 seats on their bus just to cover the expenses involved in providing tour guides and camping equipment.  Meals and all the other ancillary costs add up, and ultimately it is almost impossible for a small group of less than 12 to be able to tour a national park privately.  We have decided that it is the time to lower the amount of people necessary to book a private tour to the size of a family of four.

The Coronavirus pandemic has created a situation where people need to distance from one another in order to stay safe.  We take your concerns seriously, and have realized that many people do not want to be on a bus with upwards of eight people were not in your immediate family and potentially might be coming from other countries.  Not only is the safety factor of concern, but the ability to customize the tour in a way that will provide all of the things that each person is looking for becomes more difficult as the number of people involved gets bigger.  For a family of four, we now get the ability to have their own private tour guide and visit the areas that they would like to visit, as well as doing the things that they would like to do.  This option is not any more expensive than a typical booking of a tour for 4 people on our group excursions.  This is a limited time offer, so act soon.