National Parks Are Open During The Pandemic

National Parks Are Open During The Pandemic

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Both 2020 and 2021 are shaping up to be some of the most interesting years that we are an ad in a long time.  We have been locked down so as to prevent people from intermingling for more than a year, in order to reduce the amount of spread of the virus between people.  There’ve been many precautions taken by suggesting the wearing of masks at all times as well as social distance in between people.  Many indoor activities have been canceled or are operating in a limited capacity, which reduces the ways that people can entertain themselves dramatically.  This is probably why searches for information on national Parks have become so popular online.  People have been reconsidering the way that they entertain themselves, and have figured that going to a national park may have been something that they were not interested in in the past because of the travel time and difficulties surrounding it, but now they are considering it.  Trouble to a national park seems to be an ideal way to social distance and have limited access to all others outside of your group.  The problem is that the national parks themselves are operating only in limited capacity, and there is no way for you to simply a pile the family into the car and drive to the grand canyon.  Instead, you are going to need to plan your trip well in advance, and secure a pass for entrance.  These passes are quite popular and sell out within minutes at the national Parks that are popular, so you were going to need to get used to the process for purchasing long before you ever are given the ability to buy the past for the day that you would like to travel.  These passes will go on sale through the website of the national park about a month or so before the day that you are seeking to travel.  You will need to be ready at your computer with the ability to continually hit refresh in order to secure your pass, as there are hundreds of people who were all attempting to do the same thing.  80% of the passes are made available on the first day, and there are 20% that are made available as a block at a later time brand is announced.  There also passes made available ongoing as people really push them because they cannot travel on the day, but these are not scheduled to be uploaded at any time.  They can appear on the website as available at any time soon you will need to continually check to the website to see if the day that you would like to travel or has become available.  Not sure what that the national park without your pass as you will be turned away.  Even though travel is difficult and challenging during these times, the national Parks are open and we are operating our tour schedule uninterrupted with our tours being privatized to four people or less.