Private Tours Of The Grand Canyon

Private Tours Of The Grand Canyon

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The Coronavirus pandemic has created a situation where people have had very little ability to make travel plans.  This is not only because traveling by plane had become nearly impossible for about a year, but also because there was almost nothing open when you would arrive.  Even if you can figure out a way to get to the location that you were planning on seeing, there was no assurance that you were going to actually arrive at a place that would be even be open for business.  With regards to national parks, and thought was always something like “how could they possibly close the grand canyon,” and while they technically cannot close an area they can close the national park aspects of it.  You can go to the grand canyon itself because the canyon is an enormous area that covers hundreds of thousands of acres of land, but the actual national park area is able to be accessed only through gates that are manned by guards what this means is that even though they cannot technically close the grand canyon itself, they can limit the amount of people that will enter the national park portion of the grand canyon.  If this is the area that you were thinking about visiting, then you must understand that there are going to be limitations to the amount of visitation that you can have.  You cannot simply get in a car and drive to the grand canyon anymore, as passes are now necessary in order to gain entrance.  These passes must be acquired upwards of a month in advance, and they are incredibly popular.  What this means is that you had a very good possibility of not being able to secure a pass and that will mean that you cannot drive through the gates even if you’ve traveled thousands of miles to get there.  This is why it is always a good idea to start your plans with securing the tickets or passes that are necessary to get into the park you wish to see, long before you ever rent an RV or start making any other form of reservations.  Other way to potentially handle this is to allow a tour company like ourselves to provide you a guided tour.  Our licensing allows us to enter the park with our tour groups, so you will not need to do anything except for arriving to meet our van on the day of your tour.  That you are nervous about sharing the van with other people, realize that for a limited time and each war that we book that has more than four people will be considered private and will not involve outside parties.  You can also make your tour even better by completely privatizing it and having complete control over both the scandal and the activities that will be performed during your tour.  This is an interesting time to see a national park because of the reduced amount of tourism, some don’t let it pass you by.  Contact us today.